Tim SAR Gabungan Lanjutkan Pencarian 9 Korban Hilang Akibat Gempa Cianjur

DEPOSTJABAR.COM (Cianjur).- Tim SAR Gabungan kembali melanjutkan pencarian korban pasca gempa bumi Cianjur yang  menelan korban sebanyak 323 orang dan masih hilang sebanyak 9 Orang.

Hal itu diungkapkan Kepala Kantor SAR Bandung, Jumaril S.E., M.M, Selasa (29/11/2022).

Menurut Jumaril,  Selasa ini Tim masih tetap melaksanakan pencarian di 3 worksite yaitu worksite 1 Warung Sate Sinta dengan dengan menerjunkan 36 Personel, 5 Search Dog dan 4 Personil Technical Search(Life Detector).

KemudianWorksite 2 di Desa Cijedil RT03/RW01 Kecamatan Cugenang dengan menerjunkan 74 Personel, 4 Search Dog dan 4 Personil Technical Search(Life Detector) dan Worksite 3 tepatnya di Kampung Cicadas Desa Cijedil Kecamatan Cugenang dengan menerjunkan 81 Personil, 2 Search Dog dan 4 Personel Technical Search(Life Detector).

Pihaknya juga mengimbau kepada seluruh aparat desa ataupun warga jika merasa masih kehilangan anggota keluarga atau kerabatnya bisa melaporkan ke nomor layanan pengaduan SAR di +62 813-1616-3355.

Selain kegiatan SAR, hari ini juga akan ada dropping dukungan logistik berupa terpal, paket keluarga, paket balita, beras, dan air mineral menggunakan 2 unit Helly Dauphin yakni HR-3604 ATS- Kp Talaga  ATS  dan AW139 /HR-1301 ATS – Sarongge – ATS. (Alni)

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  1. Scarab has taken a retro approach to the visual design, providing players with a nostalgic feeling despite the game being released in the middle of 2019. As of this writing, in June 2022, casinos have been known to take countermeasures against players who play slots in an advantage state only, up to barring such players. You can play Scarab slot machine at any casino that offers an IGT catalogue of games. Check out our best real money casino recommendations to find a welcome package that’s perfect for you. There are 11 colorful symbols to unearth in the Scarab slot machine. The 10, J, Q, K, and A symbols pay 2-30 coins when you land 3, 4 or 5 of a kind. Then come the golden Egyptian symbols which pay 5-60 to 5-75 coins. The Eye of Horus and golden ankh are the best-paying regular symbols.
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    Copyright © 2018 – 2024 Crypto. All rights reserved. As a rule, exchanging cryptocurrencies for fiat funds involves trading operations. Say, if you want to convert your funds, from BTC to dollars, you can do it on this page or in the Trade Pro tab in the mobile app. There you can switch between numerous crypto markets, like BTC USD or BTC EUR (BTC to EUR), check the price charts, and place market or limit trade orders. Corporate account holders and professional traders can enjoy expedited verification time and rapid customer support ticket responses. Sub-accounts also offer additional benefits, such as segregating risk and enabling separate deposit and withdrawal permissions. Bitcoin came into public consciousness in October 2008 following the publication of a whitepaper titled “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto. In the whitepaper, Satoshi outlined the concept of cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology that would power it.Satoshi mined the first block of the Bitcoin blockchain on Jan. 3, 2009, a date that officially launched the Bitcoin network and marked the start of its transactional history.