Kronologi Michelle Anak Pinkan Mambo Dilecehkan Ayah Tiri, Berlangsung Selama 2 Tahun

DEPOSTJABAR,- Anak Pinkan Mambo, Michelle Ashley secara mengejutkan menceritakan tentang dugaan pelecehan seksual yang dialaminya.

Michelle diduga mendapatkan pelecehan seksual dari ayah tirinya selama hampir dua tahun. Remaja 17 tahun ini mengaku selalu dilecehkan ayah tirinya setiap kali sang ibunda pergi bekerja.

“Awalnya, kejadian di 2018, usia aku 12 tahun. Posisinya mama aku lagi kerja, di situ aku di rumah, cuma sama aku dan adik-adik,” kata Michelle dalam podcast Nadia Alaydrus, dikutip Kamis (27/7).

Kejadian ini bermula Michelle tak sengaja memasuki kamar ibunya setelah mandi untuk mengambil pakaian.

Kala itu, Michelle tak tahu jika sang ayah tiri ternyata masih berada di rumah dan berada di kamar.

“Aku habis mandi, keluar, pakai anduk. Habis mandi aku ke kamar Mami. Aku pikir cuma aku dan kaka adek-adek di rumah, tetapi ternyata ada dia di kasur, kasurnya itu di balik lemari,” ungkapnya.

Pada momen tersebut, suami kedua Pinkan Mambo melakukan aksi jahatnya kepada Michelle.

Michelle remaja saat itu tidak bisa berkutik karena khawatir sang ayah tiri akan melakukan lebih dari itu.

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  1. Due to carrier limitations and to protect against spam, Google Voice messaging is intended only for interactive conversations. It’s not intended for bulk messaging, which can result in messages being reported as spam and blocked. If you have blocked messages, refer to the “Why can’t I send text messages?” section below. Hi Marjul, turn both iMessage and Facetime off in the Settings Menu. Then in Settings go to General, scroll down to Reset then select “Reset Your Network Settings.” Once everything has reset, make sure you are connected to Wi-fi. Reactivate iMessage and Facetime. You should now be able to select your phone number as an iMessage sending option. You can, of course, just type the gist of the email into an SMS window and send it that way, but it’s hardly ideal. It might be okay if you want to do it once or twice, but not if you have to do it frequently. Sending an email to your phone as a text message isn’t the only tick you can do with emails, did you know you can also modify the send date on an email?  
    There are a lot of ways to accomplish this task, from smartphone apps (such as MightyText or Join) to dedicated Web sites (like AFreeSMS or SendSMSNow), to Google Voice, or even a menu option right on your phone carrier’s Web site. Some of these methods are pricey or convoluted. The steps below, however, are quick and easy . With the many different messaging apps and services available to us online and on our mobile phones, sometimes it’s easy to forget that good old SMS still exists. Like the pneumatic tubes in mailrooms from days of old, the pneumatic tube of texting is sending an SMS via email. If you’re ever in a pinch and without your phone for whatever reason, here is a guide on sending a text message via email. And, Matt, some people are just jerks. You try to help and there’s always at least one person that has to say something nasty and can’t just be grateful for the info. Well, I am! All this information has been super helpful and opened a whole new world for my friends, because I refuse to pay for texting on my phone (have a great OLD plan-includes rollover mins.-lol) when I pay enough already for home computer internet service (no internet on my phone either)! This makes us both happy. I’m also not a person attached to my phone, so they can text to my e-mail, but know they aren’t necessarily going to get an immediate response if I’m away from my computer. LOVE IT!!! Thanks everyone!